Research Center, San Cristoforo, Milan, 2019.
Green connection and morpholgy continuity were the directions taken by this Master Plan on a border of Milan city. The link between Piazza Tirana and Parco Agricolo Sud defines the proposal`s core which also includes a grid following the existing urban blocks. The whole composition makes a transition from the built to the rural featuring a gradual reduction of land occupation and building hight inside the blocks. As a result, the layout creates different alternatives of space, from closed-compact blocks to an open-permeable ones.
Consequently, the intervention promotes a slow mobility system, pedestrian & bicycle friendly, addressing a public transportation network on the proposal`s borders. The grid defines a district configuration where the mix of functions is crucial for the project activation, day and night. Offices, hotel, housing, commerce, education, sports, exhibition, agriculture and research, are the ingredients sorted in various proportions within districts.
45°26’18.15″N; 9° 7’59.66″E
master plan
The research center is a public building located in a strategic point of the Master Plan. It follows the district`s typological occupation and shapes the central space-core of the whole project. By the use of platforms, terraces and courtyards, the public space “invades” the ground and first floor of the building, stablishing a dynamic dialogue with its surroundings and parts. A mixed structural system made by wide columns, beams and trusses, defines an open and flexible construction eneabling different kind of internal accomodations and divisions.
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